About chipping fluids...
Some time ago I got some chipping fluids from Mig Productions and AK interactive, and decided to test them out.
You might ask "Why use this products while I have salt and hairspray?" , well the word I can find for the answer is "control" . Using this products gives you more control on the direction and intensity of the chipping. The question on "Witch one is the best?" , that is not for me to answer but for you to try out, no words, pictures or videos are best then the "hands on" approach. Its true that I have a favorite but this is for me and may not be for you...
I have made some videos on my experience using this products that I would like to share and hope that they be as a starting point for your "chipping experiences".
Mig Productions Absolute chipping
AK Interactive - Heavy Chipping
Now go to the workbench and start chipping that plane, tank, boat, spaceship, figure... or a piece of plastic ;)
Tips :
Tanks .. German red primer or panzer grey has base and a dunkelgelb camo on top just looks amazing!
Planes .. a nice base of a metalic paint and a green on top... apply a bit of masking tape and pull it hard... gives a nice effect on that WWII jap plane!!
Curiosity :
I was chipping a Model and in the middle of the process I had to leave the workbench... totally forgot about it... for days and days... when I got back I thought "How am I going to tackle this now??"... decided to try where I left off... and for my surprise it was still chipping like the beginning :D